Little Princess Artteachergirl, you better hold your head high, or that little crown of yours will fall off.
Fall off it did!!!
My crown turned out to be MY hair.
I always thought I held MY crown of hair lightly, but I didn't...
I cried.
Not because it hurt when it came out, but...
because being bald represented so much!
Losing MY hair symbolized changes. Changes in MY plans for MY everyday life, changes in MY future, and changes in MY dreams.
All were changed in a blink by cancer, and that was the reason for MY short lived tears.
You react by wanting to hold on tightly, instead of lightly to your secure little comfortable life.
You struggle with it, you question it and... you try to wrap your mind around it,
but there is no changing it.
It is not until you stop struggling, stop holding on and stop questioning that you find what you've known all along... You have got to count it all joy!
God is not going to change your situation... until He changes your heart, and until everything fits according to HIS plan.
Just because you don't see anything happening... doesn't mean God is not doing anything.
When you begin to PRAY... God begins the MIRACLE.
MY MIRACLE is happening NOW... I see it in all of the prayers from my family, friends and unknown angels. I feel it in all the care and love I'm blessed with; from the silliest of hats to the greatest of gifts.
I am sitting in the palm of God's hand, with MY fingers open!