Saturday, January 1, 2011

Balancing the New Year with My 100th Post in My Own Rambling Way...

It's the end of a year!
Time for many great and wonderful things
in the coming new year.
Of course, there will also be tears, sorrow, and heartbreak in this new year. 
There has to be a balance, a time and a season for everything.
However, the good, joyful and happy times will far out number the bad...
That's just the way God 
balances things, 
I think.

This is my 100th post.
I've thought on it for days.

Well, once I discovered it was on the horizon. 
What to post about?
What to do? 
Let it go by quietly? 
Or, just shout it from the roof tops?

Hmmm...I think I'll just write and see where it takes me.

Where to start, where to start...

 Why not the top of my blog?

 This is the quote so many have asked me about...
A few lines are in my header and I took the name of my blog from this poem.

Our Deepest Fear

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear
is that we are powerful beyond measure.
It is our light, not our darkness,
that most frightens us.
We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous?
Actually who are we not to be?
You are a child of God.
Your playing small doesn't serve the world.
There is nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people
won't feel insecure around you.
We are all meant to shine as children do.
We were born to make manifest
the glory of God that is within us.
It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.
And when we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.
- Marianne Williamson
I ramble a bit, and you know that, 
so jump ship now 
if you don't want to go along for the ride.

So here goes...  
A New Year is a time for reflection and thinking of things that have occurred and are to come. 
No rhyme or reason, just visits with old and new favorite photos and posts that brought me to 100.

I am an Outrageous Older Woman
(Am too...I have a bumper sticker from Maine to prove it)
I'm an OOW who loves her family, and friends, 
including all of you that I have met through this wonderful art of blogging, 
and I love expressing my thoughts to you.
May not be the highlight of your day, 
but it is one of mine.
I also adore my students,
my art teaching career 
and my junk art. 

 Ahhh...junk, what a wonderful thing.
Creating with it is even more wonderfuler.

I do love RUST, ya know?

Recycled adding machine spools I turned into beads for necklaces.

Being this OOW 
 is not at all what I always expected it to be. 
It's true that with this time of your life comes the loss of the people you love. 
So very hard, but it's something 
you expect and accept,
though not easily. 

This is from another post...it's a my memory jar for my daddy.
I didn't expect that both my parents and most of my aunts, uncles and 
some cousins would be gone by now. 
I didn't expect to sing at their funerals or have younger ones go before me. 

It's been so difficult to watch them fade away.
I also didn't expect to have richer relationships 
with those who are still here...
God handles that...
it's that balancing thing
He does...and a gift.

It's also a time when you start thinking of your own accomplishments, 
 and the imprint you've made on
your little corner of the world.

I've always heard with age comes wisdom. 
It's true, I am brilliant now!
Haha...not true, if you've never been wise 
then turning 50 ain't gonna do it for you. 
I'm six years past 50 now, and it still has not happened, so don't expect that...sigh. 

You do ignore the small stuff...you mellow.
That quite possibly makes you appear wiser. 
You know, no fretting over silly things and such. 
Not having hissy fits can make you look like you have it together, thus being wiser.

I really expected not to be wiser, 
I expected to lose some people, 
I even expected some of the aches and pains, and the sags.
Sent to me by a friend who's family took this while on vacation...wouldn't it be wonderful to see these beautiful ladies each day?
I did not expect the freedom, the appreciation for life and the joy in everyday little things that comes with being older.
Duncan enjoying the view of my garden through the bubbles.
Our trip to the sunflower field for my 56th birthday this year.
Stumbling on the ART MOOSE on one of our trips to Maine this past summer was one of the highlights of my year.
My Bill resting among the bubbles after a long day of yard work.

The just being comfortable with who I am,
 what I have and where I am going.
One of my favorite photos from Maine...so peaceful.

OK, so back to the 
Marianne Williamson 

I never expected to go back to school after 50,
but I did...

and during my masters program, 
I had a professor, 
who was, well...

mY  FaVoRiTe  QuOtE  in a  FrAmE,  mY  FaVoRiTe  cOloR...a gift from one of my favorite friends.
this professor introduced me to this quote, 

and well 
there you go, 
another one of those balances  
of good and bad...
God always handles it.

This poem stuck with me 
and has helped me as 
I deal with the expected and unexpected things 
of becoming an OOW

and OK, 
let's just say it...
a bit off balanced...
God handles that kind too, I guess.

Now for one of my favorite parts of the poem;
end of a year, 
and the end of the poem...

And when we let our own light shine,
we unconsciously give other people
permission to do the same.
As we are liberated from our own fear,
our presence automatically liberates others.
- Marianne Williamson

The Outrageous Older Woman, 
the artteachergirl 
who rambles, 
has managed to create a blog with 100 posts.
  I am unexpectedly amazed.

  I hope that I have let a bit 
of my light
shine on you, 
and hopefully given you 
permission to 
in whatever you expect to do,
and I hope you find 
your unexpected!


This sunset was taken rolling down the highway, somewhere between NH and Vermont.


  1. Happy new Year Vicki!
    I loved your 100th. post. Congratulations on that too. I loved the photos, the words, your memories, everything.
    Being an OOW myself(well perhaps not so outrageous these days!) but I can give you almost 20 years. It's true, you are comfortable with yourself, who you are, what you do. It took me many, many years to find that. I was always saying what people expected me to say; doing what people expected me to do.
    At last I can say THIS IS ME! And I am so comfortable and liberated with that.
    Many, many blessings, wisdom and strength to you and your family.
    HugsJune xx

  2. I rather like your ramblings a lot. Congrats on your 100th post. I love the rust/bridge photo. Happy New Year! I have put you on my blog roll so I can keep up with you. That is when I can get to the blogs! ♥O

  3. Thank you so much for stopping over at MommHensCoop! I love to see someone else utilize "junk" in such a totally fab way!

  4. I love your depth, humor, creativity and appreciation for everything and, it seems, everyone around you. I can't wait to see what you make out of the things cast aside by all of us. Happy New Year!

  5. I really enjoyed all of your photos and poem. It makes so much sense, Thanku ,, Judy

  6. A beautiful post, so honest and so true, well done on reaching 100 posts :)


  7. good post and thoughts.
    Happy New Year!

  8. Happy New Year to you! Did you make the inspire angel? That's adorable.

  9. I've known it for years but never had a moniker for it until I met you. Yes, I too am an OOW! Pierced nose, patterned tights, boogie dancing in front of the younger set and acting in The VJayjay Monologues! Whoohoo! Can't wait to get more outrageous (all within legal and moral boundaries, of course!)

    Thanks for following me; I look forward to seeing more of your blog.

  10. This is a wonderful post, Vicki! Congrats on your milestone! We are the same age and I so understand where you are at in life... I am at a point where I am comfortable with myself, yet always evolving...Looking forward to seeing where 2011 takes us, friend!

  11. vicki, thanks so much for your kind comment on my blog. I really appreciate your taking the time for me...

    AND, I loved this post, especially the piece by Marianne Williamson. I have loved her books, especially, A Return to Love. there is so much truth in that piece.

    congratulations on your posting milestone and best of health in the new year! love, donna

  12. Hello Vicki...congrats on your 100th post and what a beautiful post it is! I would have missed it, but I was just responding to a comment you left on my blog and I realized it is a "no reply"...whoops...so there are "a few" other responses from me floating out there in cyberspace...LOL! Well anyway I guess it was meant to be, I wouldn't have wanted to miss this one! Take care, Laurel
    PS...thanks for your sweet comment on my new shelf placement. Your work space sounds wonderful :)

  13. Hello Vicki,

    Thanks for stopping by my humble little blog. I'm so glad I stopped by yours. I can tell by your blog that you are definitely someone I would enjoy knowing. And I love rust too!

    Peace and happy Sunday!

