Hello, I'm Vicki and I have a pumpkin problem...
I can't stop making them.
I can't stop making them.
It began innocently with an old sweater
my husband would be wearing this winter, holes and all,
if I hadn't snitched it last year and hid it in my closet.
My original idea was to cut the bottom off of it
and make an infinity scarf,
but now that fall is in the air,
I started thinking sweater pumpkins.
From sweater pumpkins came any kind of fabric
my husband would be wearing this winter, holes and all,
if I hadn't snitched it last year and hid it in my closet.
My original idea was to cut the bottom off of it
and make an infinity scarf,
but now that fall is in the air,
I started thinking sweater pumpkins.
From sweater pumpkins came any kind of fabric
I could lay my hands on pumpkins.
(go ahead, say that 3 times)
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I love them all, but my favorite is one made
from a very stiff, old paint rag.
Actually, it's an old handkerchief of my daddy's
that I used for a paint rag.
Being the junker artist that I am I couldn't toss it
because the paint turned the handkerchief
such a pretty ocher color.
My weird junk hoarding paid off,
this pumpkin has a lot of personality about it.
Come on, don't tell me your pumpkins don't have personality?
Later Tater, got to make more pumpkins before bedtime.

Have a